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Emeline Comby, Yannick Mosset, Stéphanie Carrara
Corpus de textes : composer, mesurer, interpréter
Textual corpora: compilation, analysis, interpretation
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Social sciences and humanities make use of textual corpuses. By surrounding various practical analyses with theoretical reflexions, this work mixes fields, methods, softwares and points of view in order to reveal specificities and variations, but also show tools and solution which fields can exchange with each other.

Bernadette Kervyn, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°52/2015
Lecture et écriture: les choix des enseignants au début de l'école élémentaire
How to make recommendations regarding reading and writing at the beginning of primary school without knowing teachers' practices, without measuring the efficiency of their practices, without seizing the complexity of early learnings? And how to document teachers' choices?

Olivier Dezutter, Jean-Louis Dufays
Repères, n°51/2015
Explorer les lieux et les temps de la lecture
Exploring places and times of reading
This issue focuses on the situation of pupils readers in their early years learning, on the practices of their teachers and on the educationalists work for seeking to better understand and guide the activities of each other.